Here it is world. My first release. I hope it becomes the soundtrack for your summer. That was always the intention. Nothing would make me happier than people listening to this 5, 10, 20 years down the line and remembering the Summer of ‘08.
There are AT LEAST 6 more tracks that will be leaked one by one over the next few months, so stay tuned!

FREE DOWNLOAD: THE GREEN ALBUM (produced by Omer Saar).zip (sendspace)
or THE GREEN ALBUM (produced by Omer Saar).zip (megaupload)
or THE GREEN ALBUM (produced by Omer Saar) (sharebee)
Please remember that I’m giving this album away for free with an encouraged and much appreciated donation to STAY TRUE, a non-profit my dear and cool as Iceberg Slim brother, Nir Saar, started in Philadelphia. I strongly encourage you to check out what he is doing via the website link above and get involved in any way you see fit.
Al Green has long-been my favorite artist of all time along with Bob Marley. I’ve been listening to his music for years and I love it as much today as ever.
About 4 years ago, I was laying on my brother’s porch in Ann Arbor, MI after a long night of partying. Everyone was already asleep and I just put on Al Green’s Greatest Hits. I’m layin’ there thinking I could probably make a beat out of every single one of these songs.
So I did.
I knocked out 15 or so songs in less than 2 months. This was around March/April of 2005. I remember visiting my brother around my birthday and thinking that a year from “now” I want to drop the album on my birthday, so the world has it for the Summer.
Well… it’s a couple years late, but it’s all happening thanks to Al Green & ?uestlove making “Lay It Down”, and releasing it ON MY BIRTHDAY! I mean, what kind of “coincidence” is that? That’s the kind of magic life occasionally blesses us with, if we are conscious enuff to recognize it. That “sign” was all I needed to get back to finishing this project.

In the last 2 weeks, I’ve produced 7 new songs for the album! After 3 years of not doing anything with it. Crazy huh?
Another AWESOME alignment with the universe was meeting Tony “T. MONEY GREEN“, who started playing bass with The Dramatics (one of my all-time favorite soul groups) at the age of 17! Then, he went on to play with George Clinton, writing and playing songs with that crew, and later did a bunch of work with Dr. Dre, Snoop and many others. Check that link for more on T. MONEY GREEN! Now, I hope you see where this is going…
I wanted to add some depth to a few of these songs with some new bass-lines. So, you guessed it, the legend T. MONEY GREEN laced a bunch of these songs with bass-lines with the help of my good friend and exceptional musician himself Miko. Miko works at a really nice studio in Birmingham, MI where he engineered that recording of Mr. Green. We all sat there while I played one song after another of THE GREEN ALBUM and we’d decide whether we should touch it or not. Then MONEY would do his thing. Miko actually helped a lot with the tuning. It was tough since there had been pitch changes to the original Al Green songs. Then I added my two cents here and there on how I wanted the bass-line to ride… mostly MONEY did what he does best. Aside from Mr. GREEN being a super dope bass player, his last name is GREEN if you haven’t noticed. Well… nuff said.
Support T-MONEY any way you can. I wish I could send him some money from the album, but there is NON being profited. I put a lot of time, effort, and even money into this album, and I’m not making any of it back. Not bad for someone who is 100% BROKE right now.
The two songs with FINALE (one of which will be leaked after the album release as a bonus track) were recorded in my basement in Oak Par, MI. FINALE was living with me at the time and I helped him record a lot of stuff for other producers (no credit on anything). Anyways, that’s where those tracks came from.
More relevant is this new exclusive track I just got from Robin
Hannibal which some of you may remember from the interview I did with
him (
Robin is a pretty ridiculous producer. This track is crunchy as hell
and hits hard. Give it a listen. If you dig it, post it up. More
info on this track in the post below.
THE GREEN ALBUM (produced by Omer Saar) free download link
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